Stay Out Of 

The Manure Pile


Restoration Ministries International


• Restoring the Hebraic Foundations of the Early Church

• Preparing the Family of Jesus to be Light in Darkness

... ...

Restoration Ministries International

The biblical truths are here to 

help you have a relationship with 

your heavenly Father which you can experience in your life. 

Nothing compares to personally living in Covenant with Him as His child.

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17). 

Mike has worked alongside, counseled and confronted religious leaders of numerous congregations as well as the administrators of major seminaries, colleges and other Christian organizations. Some called Mike "THE ENEMA" because through his prophetic anointing he exposed their unconfessed sin so they might repent. With this series of videos the Holy Spirit has released Mike to address his decades-long  observation of the unholy and unbiblical influence of the Nicolaitan system and its professional clergy on husbands and fathers. Through that influence fathers and husbands have been deterred from upholding the responsibilities which our heavenly Father intends for them to fulfill toward their wives and children, and doing this in loving service as unto their Lord Jesus.

This series represents Mike's heartfelt desire to help men who have found themselves heading toward or buried under the Nicolaitan manure pile to regain their salt. Be warned! This journey will require you to  repent for allowing yourself and your family to be deceived. But by turning to the Spirit of our Lord Jesus and calling on Him to help you, by His love and grace He most certainly will hear you and transform you.

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #1)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #2)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #3)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #4)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #5)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #6)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #7)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #8)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #9)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #10)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #11)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #12)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #13)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #14)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #15)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #16)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #17)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #18)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #19)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #20)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #21)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #22)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #23)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #24)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #25)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #26)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #27)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #28)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #29)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #30)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #31)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #32)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #33)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #34)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #35)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #36)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #37)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #38)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #39)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #40)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #41)

Stay Out Of The Manure Pile (Insight #42)

1. Helping Your Husband Stay Out Of The Manure